Essays by Ekowa 

Iconography and Religion


According to some scholars the name Isis or Auset may have been derived from the word Ashesh, meaning to 'pour out' and 'supporting' implication of her blood or milk that kept all humanity alive.   Similarly, the Hebrews used the name  to Ishah/Esha  for their first woman in the biblical account.    We must remember neither the Hebrews or the Egyptians or any other people living in Africa used vowels to emphasis pronunciation. this was a cultural trait handed down through the generations.

In Gen., iii, 20 the name Havvah or Eve  is connected etymologically with the verb meaning "to live": "And Adam called the name of his wife Eve [hawwah]: because she was the mother of all the living". The Septuagint rendering in this passage is the Greek Zoe (=life, or life-giver), which is a translation; in two other passages (Genesis 4:1 and 25) the name is transliterated Eua.  The life giving symbol are the fallopian tubes and the union of male and female and the returning or reincarnate nature of the spirit.  The Egyptians used the Ankh as the symbol for life, male and female, creation, and returning. So the iconic symbol of all those concepts are encapsulated into the ankh.


  The Ox or Cow

The cow-headed Isis pouring out a libation in honor of the soul of Osiris, which rises in the form of a man-headed hawk from the plants growing in a sacred lake. The cow headed woman is Hathor.

Meaning "mansion of Horus") Hathor is an Ancient Egyptian goddess/neter who personified the principles of joy, feminine love, and motherhood. She was one of the most important and popular deities throughout the history of Ancient Egypt. Hathor was reverenced by royalty and common people alike in whose tombs she is depicted as "Mistress of the West" welcoming the dead into the next life. In other roles she was a goddess of music, dance, foreign lands and fertility who helped women in childbirth, as well as the patron goddess of miners.

As a side note:  The neter Hathor is the model for Snow white and the 7 dwarves. There is nothing new under the sun, the only difference is the whiteness of Snow White. the diminutive miners [dwarves] are a representation of the Africans who first smelted iron and dug underground for minerals, and Hathor was their patron saint. When we do not know the  autochthonous meaning when we see it interwoven through world history, we will think it is something new or demonic or against our Creator.

Images tell a story to those who were not well versed in the ancient mysteries. 

We say a someone is “Strong as an Ox” the iconographic image would be a man/woman with a head of an Ox or an Ox alone atop is in a position of power. If this image was used for God then it would be fashioned as an Ox on a throne or with a crown of halo, or in an elevated position as seen below.  The disk atop the head and between the horns represents the icon for God [he/she/it] with a disk on its head representing the largest object in the sky, the Sun.  This was not sun worship by our ancestors, but a reference to the power of the Creator. No man has seen God and lived, but we have seen its power.

Bull standing on the square [of the earth] crowned with the sun disk

How did the biblical prophet Ezekiel describe his visions? In iconographic terms of course, but was he seeing demons? No, because demonism is in the pen of the translator. 

  Ezk. 1:4-11

  “As I looked, a stormy wind came out of the north: a great cloud with brightness around it and fire flashing forth continually, and in the middle of the fire, something like gleaming amber. In the middle of it was something like four living creatures. This was their appearance: they were of human form. Each had four faces, and each of them had four wings. Their legs were straight, and the soles of their feet were like the sole of a calf's foot; and they sparkled like burnished bronze. Under their wings on their four sides they had human hands. And the four had their faces and their wings thus: their wings touched one another; each of them moved straight ahead, without turning as they moved. As for the appearance of their faces: the four had the face of a human being, the face of a lion on the right side, the face of an ox on the left side, and the face of an eagle; such were their faces.”  

Protestant Reformation drawing of the vision of Ezekiel

Here Ezekiel is using iconic imagery. As like, something like, they appeared like is all the language of the unknown. The language of those who do not have the celestial vocabulary for the images they see. The imagery of winged gods/deities/creatures came out of the playbook of the African in Egypt the ones who could interpret the images.

Winged Isis with Ankh, staff and stool 538-519 BC

This is the imagery of Ezekiel. When says as like or something like  it wasn't exactly it, but those are the elemental words and thoughts he had to describe what he saw. He spoke in approximations of what he saw in the vision or dream.

You need the keys to understand the allusion or illustration and you need to look to history because Judaism and Ezekiel's understanding didn't grow up in a vacuum, they borrow heavily from the major nations around them. Egypt was their biggest influence. No many Christians would say that they drew on paganism, but it was not, because our Creator always had a priesthood and everyone from Abraham to Joseph, to Moses to Jesus went to study in Egypt, even Paul was said to be an Egyptian. Why? Because Egypt was the school of divine learning.

In the protestant Reformation drawings above:

  ' Cause they know something you don't know.  It is the symbol of the SUN. Those who claim orthodoxy want you to believe African were animist and polytheistic sun and moon worshippers, but we were not!

Polytheism - The belief in the existence of many Gods.

Animism - derived from the Latin word anima meaning breath or soul, but in this sense the animal icon or zootype is alive and represents man and God.

"The belief of animism is probably one of man's oldest beliefs, with its origin most likely dating to the Paleolithic age. From its earliest beginnings it was a belief that a soul or spirit existed in every object, even if it was inanimate. In a future state this soul or spirit would exist as part of an immaterial soul. The spirit, therefore, was thought to be universal." E.W.Budge

Is this animism? No just iconography described in zootypes.

How is anything on earth and in the heavens animated? Is it not the spirit of our Creator [Creative Force] that embodies them and us? Who says that what we did was against God? Those who translated and have changed all thing black into all things white. Those who wanted to take over and those who developed a system to say what was good and bad or what was evil  or not, and finally what was the way and what was error. This was the beginning of the system of white supremacy for those who designated themselves a white and superior to the rest of the world.

The European concept of Polytheism and Animism was against the Afro-Indus concept and they lied to condense the perception of what is or is not God, and what is or is not the manifestation of God [power to create, live and make all things seen and unseen, known and unknown to mankind in the spiritual and natural worlds] for their own power and control.

The European/Western concept is viewed in a different way than the original African understanding; the former is viewed in the Western or Occidental mind-set as the 'one and only'  Sacred way, while the later, African or Oriental concept, is viewed as profane, pagan and primitive.  We see again the racist stereotype that, if you are white European you're right, but if you're black African get back! Most of this is due to their complete misunderstanding and misinterpretation of iconic imagery, zootypes and not using the same measuring rod to find the truth in the mystery.  Although they adopted this African imagery and reworked it to suit their purposes.

The African no more worshipped animals or many gods as the Christians today worship Jesus in the form of a Lamb sacrificed.  

'The Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the World...'  


 The Trinity referred to as God in 3 persons

'There are three that bear witness in Heaven.'  

Why isn't the trinity of God polytheism? Because, it is understood as a oneness or monotheist concept. But where did this concept come from? Egypt the trinity of the deity.

The Triune Family

In the Trinity there is the Father [middle/Osiris], theSon [Horus left the hawk headed] and the Holy Spirit or mother [Isis to the right]. The Holy spirit of the breath or Ruach of God [in Hebrew] and is a feminine entity. So, we have the Egyptian iconic image of Father, Son and Holy Ghost long before there was a biblical Hebrew text.

A serpent on a pole the symbol of healing


The Caduceus:

The symbol of healing for the Hebrews and later the symbol of Medicine in western culture.  Many "medical" organizations use a symbol of a short rod entwined by two snakes and topped by a pair of wings, which is actually the Greek or Romanish caduceus or magic wand of the Greek god Hermes (Roman Mercury), which were copies of the Egyptian Thoth, messenger of the gods, inventor of (magical) incantations, conductor of the dead and protector of merchants and thieves.

The biblical Moses used the same symbol which he had from his Egyptian training, but he understood the mystery.


And the LORD said to Moses,  "Make a Saraph [firey serpent] and mount it on a pole, and if anyone who has been bitten looks at it, he will recover. "Moses accordingly made a bronze serpent and mounted it on a pole, and whenever anyone who had been bitten by a serpent looked at the bronze serpent, he recovered. could looking on a serpent cure a serpents bite? I'll leave that to you to all in the original meaning of the words! Why would God use an image that was an anathema for healing?

The brazen symbol on a pole, the mere sight of which cured the Israelites, was probably the Caduceus [Numbers 21:9]. The Nehustan[serpent] was worshipped in the tabernacle up to the time of Hezekiah [2Kings 18:4].  

Saraph'; burning, i.e. (figuratively) poisonous (serpent); specifically, a Saraph or symbolical creature (from their copper color):--fiery (serpent), seraph.

Here is an interesting thing...I found a possible correlation between the word Neshstan and Nehesi [The original people who populated Egypt].

"Nehesi is the Egyptian name for Nubian and Nehesi was also the name of a Pharaoh from the 14th Dynasty. The color of burn copper was the same color the Egyptians applied to the drawings of themselves a dark reddish color. "

So were these the healers of the Hebrews the Nehesi, that needed to be lifted up[ exalted] on a pole? A serpent was always a sign, not of evil in the ancient world , but of knowledge of the divine. Now, you can mixed that around if you want to, but you have to ask the question why would the biblical Elohim put his two innocent children in a garden with a talking snake? It has to be an allegory or an allusion to something else. Remember we read the Bible based on an elemental understanding or as the Hebrews say on a p'shat level. We have been taught to sit in a seat that has been prepared for us.

Unfortunately, the farther away you get from the root of the original understanding, the more confused and cloudy the subsequent understanding becomes. 

"The more you hate your parents the more you will hate their ways. "

“The farther you move away from your Momma, the more you misbehave, forgetting what you were taught and the power of its meaning.”


 Is God Male or Female?


It is the same with gender; The Creator is neither male nor female--IT is what IT quote my sister.  

BUT, it is easier for most 'religious' people in our society to view God as white and male, because in this system of white supremacy white and male is the symbol of supreme dominance and feigned fatherliness, but that was not always the case.   

We have adopted the false idea of the ‘White man’s burden.” To civilize all those darker than him and bring them into the light of Christianity [religion]. Pope Innocence called to all mariners to civilize all the darker races which is 98% of the world.

  Remember Adam called his wife there was a time when Biblical womanhood represented the Creator and creation.  


The Biblical Adam and Eve were gods to their children and all those who came after  them. They were a story told second and third hand.

The original story had its nativity in Egypt/Africa with the Neter [gods] Elohim and those who sprang from them.

Now, I have no problem seeing the female in the Creator, but for those who may still stumble over the femaleness of God  I will at times stick to modern orthodoxy and say He, but you need to study and get your panties out of a knot! 

Our terms, pictures, images and metaphors do not trouble our Creator.  It does not add or take away from the power of the Almighty. We need to expand out thinking. In this creative pattern that exists on this Tera Firma and the larger universe we live in, there is always a male and female component for creation and maintenance. 

The Bible version tries to explain the first pair bonds by saying:

 'In the image of God created he them, male and female he created them.'

The Egyptians used Neteru which are the pairs or equal opposites of all existence.  They understood the Neteru were symbols of the power or attributes of the One Creator and Maat [truth and order] being the principle that ordered these forces.  So if there was a Amen [hidden force of life] there was a Amenet. Both were understood and reverenced. 

The European, trying to understand his misunderstanding and in the process of his circular logic, called these African forces  pagan and polytheistic and spread the lie that we were in error but that is a LIE!

This new western thought is a paradigm shift in order to make Europe/whites the source and center of all wisdom, religion and the hope of  mankind’s salvation.  The designation by Dr. Lightfoot and codified by Bishop Ussher to map the time the world was created by the generations in the bible has done us a disservice. The ancient people including the first Hebrews never would comment of the length of time the earth and its inhabitants existed. Even the Yom [designation for a day] is an indeterminate amount of time that can be a literal 24 hour period to a figurative day. By demonizing our African people, culture and religion and calling us pagans or heathens African culture was/is painted as negative and Western Culture via Greece , Rome and Europe represent the positive.  We became darkness and they became light?  But the truth is the light and Life!

Genesis 1:-3

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”

Remember this light was not a White complexion, but illumination and revelation.  This new paradigm assigned  to the Europeans as purveyors of all truth in the eyes of the whole world and eventually in our eyes too had brought an age of darkness not less troublesome than the dark ages.  The European Renaissance would not have occurred it was not for the Spanish Moor and later those who traveled to Africa once again.   What the Catholics did during the time of Diocletian was to try and become the white Pharaoh, which they codified under Constantine and later under the Popistry of Rome.  Over the centuries in order to gain entrance into the mysteries and the throne of Egypt through intermarriages with the African Pharonic ruler of Egypt and elsewhere. We now know the white Pharaoh copy-cat as the Pope. Prior to all white Popes there were African Popes, but you will never hear of them. Catholicism means Universal or the one-world religion. Protestants are just those who protest the 96 thesis of Martin Luther nailed to the door of the church in protest of those errors. Protestants are just protesting Catholics that still belong to the Catholic church of Christendom. So, in actuality the Pope the head of the Catholic church is your White Pharaoh!

Well, the scales have come off my eyes and now I see.  I will stick with the ancient black understanding of religion thank you!

In this case:

Simply Man and Woman is the image of the Creator - Male and Female working together creating a new world daily. Life making life.

"As it is above, So below."

As the biblical Hebrew understood the double dale to be the renamed and attributed to the biblical Solomon as the seal of Solomon or Star of David  taken from the African iconic image of the double pyramid. As the pyramids in the Giza plateau was once covered with water, the reflection of the pyramids told the story of "as in heaven so on earth" for all to see!


As the Egyptian understood this image:

As the symbol of life the Ankh  in the hands of Messu [Messiah]


As the Christian explained it Christ in us the hope of Glorification and as it  in Heaven so on Earth. [The animal/lamb is wearing a sundisk around its head with the cross inserted, it is carrying a staff, but these are Christian images!

Unfortunately, the Christians understood it as the lamb of God or Christ's and the redemptive work on the cross and the multiplying of the church without seeing the ankh embedded in it.


The Ichthus or Fish symbol of the acrostic, Jesus Christ, the son of God was a age-old symbol of the Isis knot or the ankh paired down and turned on its side.


The Greek word for fish or Ichthus is said to mean:

 Iota  - From the northern Semitic 'yod' (meaning hand) it came to denote the sound [i] as i in 'give' and it has come to be known as: A tiny or scarcely detectable amount. [Yod - hand or give, or the finger of God]

Chi   - Initially it denoted the sound [kh] but it gradually lapsed into a strong 'h' as in 'hearth' or'hero'. [Chi - Form of Energy, spirit]

Theta  - Originating from the northern Semitic 'teth' (where the 't' sound is emphatic).[Tet -Serpent]

Upsilon - It was pronounced as so right until the 9/10 century A.D. when the Byzantines called y psilon (a thin y), instead of its original name which was 'U'.It originates from the northern Semitic 'waw'. [Waw - Nail]

Sigma - From the northern Semitic 'sin' or ‘siyn’ (tooth).  [Sin or Shin - tooth]

So in Northern Semitic it could read:

Hand of God - Energy-Serpent -Nail -Tooth[hook]  

Sounds similar to the Nehestan or Caduceus doesn't it and was it the original intent of Moses?         

"21.6. And the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died. 7. Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord, and against thee; pray unto the Lord, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people. 8. And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. 9. And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived."


The so-called Northern Semitic peoples are the Canaanites. They will also call it Paleo-Hebrew, but it is the original Canaanite language.

That is an acrostic supposedly means:  "Jesus Christ, of God, the Son, the Savior" [Iesous (Jesus) CHristos (Christ) THeou (of God) Uiou (the Son) Soter (the Savior)] in Greek. The image of the serpent on the cross is the Icthus or the ankh/Isis knot of the Egyptians.

Did you eat fish on Fridays?  

In the Catholic and Protestant division of Christianity - Eating fish on Fridays was the rule - but did you ask where that whole concept came from? It was supposed to be in honor of Jesus and the disciples and their role as fishermen, but it came from the Egyptian avoiding fish because of the loss of the penis of Osiris when he was killed and dismembered by Set. His penis was never found and the said a fish ate it so they avoided fish on a certain day in honor of the god of the dead Osiris.  Osiris is the god of the resurrection that was 3 days in the grave.

Fish womb [ does the vagina smell fishy?]

The official Catholic story is:   We do not have to abstain from eating the flesh of meat on Fridays of Lent (obligatory), or all other Fridays if we don't choose some other form of penance (depends on what the Conference of Bishops in that particular country have come to). This is a form of penance [atonement, reparation, sacrifice].

           Excuse me but didn’t Messiah atone for our sins?   OOPS!  But, was this the original Pre-Catholic meaning?  Nope!

The Fish was always the ancient symbol of the goddess womb and the missing penis of Osiris represented by this symbol () or LIFE represented by the ancient Egyptian symbol of the Ankh that later in the Hebrew tradition became the Chia or the Havvah [Eve]

According to Barbara Walker in her book The Women Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets. Pg. 313:

"Fish and womb were synonymous in Greek culture; delphos meant both the original Delphic oracle [black women who prophesied] first belonged to the abyssal fish goddess under her pre-Hellenic name of Themis, often incarnate in the great fish whale or dolphin [delphinos]. "  [The Delphi were Black women.]

Even our superstitions today among older church members, the mothers and grandmothers of the church reminds a woman if she has Dreamt of Fish that is a sign of pregnancy.  


The Catholic Popes Mitre and Dagon called the Great Fish God [the paternalistic rendition].  

The last pope and his successor

Why do you think the Pope wears the hat that looks a lot like Dagon?  It is representative of the Fish.    Check out my essay on Islam and Catholicism there you will find the worship of the goddess/neter in the form of Mariology/Auset.

"The ankh called the Egyptian cross of life, represented the male and female sexual symbols: a female oval surmounting a male cross. The marriage between the god and the goddess [male and female]. The representation of immortality and life.  The letter hieroglyph that stands for 'The Life female]. The representation of immortality and life.  The letter hieroglyph that stands for 'The Life to Come'. "

It has also been explained as the key to unlock the mystery of heaven and earth. Combining the symbol of Osiris the Tau [T or cross] with Isis [the oval] is the symbol of immortality [Children, progeny, regeneration?] and is often pictured being carried by the gods [neteru].

All symbols come from one source and that is Egypt . The original story is told and retold and additions and deletions are made and that is how we come up with what we believe today.  I hope you can see the pattern.  All images are iconographic and invoke something in all of us.

The wings of Isis or Maat


The Greek Orthodox, Catholic Church and subsequent modern Christianity have co-opted the symbol of the FISH symbol and repackaged it and now it is the representation of Christ. 

Herodotus speaking of the Africans:

"And of fish also they esteem that which is called the lepidotos to be sacred, and also the eel; and these they say are sacred to the Nile ." Herodotus, Histories.

  And just so the myth of the Hebrews being the only culture that abhorred pigs:

"The pig is accounted by the Egyptians an abominable animal; and first, if any of them in passing by touch a pig, he goes into the river and dips himself forthwith in the water together with his garments. "Herodotus, Histories I

The Egyptian also abhorred pigs because  their association with Set the one who killed Osiris.  The Hebrew picked up this supposed hatred and incorporated into their Levitical laws.

"All the demons begged him, saying, "Send us into the pigs, that we may enter into them." At once Jesus gave them permission. The unclean spirits came out and entered into the pigs. The herd of about two thousand rushed down the steep bank into the sea, and they were drowned in the sea." Mark 5:13

The Egyptians Attributes of God as seen in the Earth and Sky. 


The Neteru were twins or opposite principles for Egyptian iconography and symbolic principles in nature. The European erroneously translated the Neteru as 'Gods' and therefore in that misunderstanding they believed the Egyptian was pagans and believed in polytheisms.  If that is true then all of us are pagans and believe in polytheism.

The Bible, which borrowed[stole] heavily from the Egyptian concepts and uses the same nomenclature.   Earth and Sky, Day and Night as described in Genesis 1.  All underlined words are the Egyptian Neteru.

In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth

the earth was a formless wasteland, and darkness covered the abyss, while a mighty wind swept over the waters.

Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.

God saw how good the light was. God then separated the light from the darkness.

God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." Thus evening came, and morning followed--the first day.

Then God said, "Let there be a dome in the middle of the waters, to separate one body of water from the other." And so it happened:

God made the dome, and it separated the water above the dome from the water below it.

God called the dome "the sky." Evening came, and morning followed--the second day.

Then God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered into a single basin, so that the dry land may appear." And so it happened: the water under the sky was gathered into its basin, and the dry land appeared.

God called the dry land "the earth," and the basin of the water he called "the sea." God saw how good it was.

So, here we have the equal opposites, the attributes of power that were given names: Heaven and Earth, Light and Dark, Sky and Sea. The power to create and sustain were assigned male and female characteristics or anthropomorphic features by the parents of the original Hebrew Creation Story, the Egyptians. 

Amon Saba Saakana says:

"Out of the waters of Nun [primeval matter] emerged Atum-Re, the veritable Creator-God who is self-created and who creates four pairs of human beings, male and female, and is responsible for the germination of life. Scholars have tended to portray Khemet as polytheistic, but there is no word in the majority of African languages that convey the idea of a multiplicity of gods."

Modupe Oduyoye in his essay; The Spirits that rule the world African Religion and Judaism -

"The problem with discovering the origins of Judaism is that Judaism is a religion that denies its origins...Judaism declares that it arose out of total rejection of the religions of Mesopotamia, of  Egypt and of Canaan ."

In rejecting the symbols of your nativity the Hebrew had to replace the meanings then make up a supporting story for the symbols.  But, the thread of original truth runs through all the Biblical accounts especially in Genesis chapter One.  From the remaking of Creation and the making of the Adam and the dividing of that unit into two or twins, Adam and Chavvah.

The Hebrews also took a page out of the Egyptian handbook of explanations by referring to Cain and Abel in an offhanded way to say twins [actually 2 sets of twins]

The Hebrew legends in the Misnah and Talmud speak of the Biblical Eve had Cain, Abel and 2 daughters simultaneously, 2 sets of twins, male and female. 

Our view of God being exclusively male is very recent, since Judaism denies the female principle, but uses the AH, T and OT endings to denote the feminine principle.  Here is where we get the Shekinah as a feminine and not masculine attribute of the Almighty.

Yes, the Shekinah is feminine and the Rabbis understand it as such.  The modern Protestant has not delved deep enough to see this ancient truth the whole world understands. It has been only in translations that the Holy Sprit has taken on male characteristics.

Quoting Barbara Walker in her book stated above, pg. 932:

" The Hebrew Shekinah means dwelling place, ...Sh'kina was the soul of the universe. Jewish Mystics said the 'outer garment' of the Shekina is Torah 'Holy Law.' A man became the bridegroom of Torah by study, symbolizing erotic imagery. He must court her [Torah] like a beautiful maiden. "She begins from behind a curtain to speak words in keeping with his understanding, until very slowly insight comes to him.' The Shekina as 'Indwelling One' might be compared to the Latin I-dea or 'Goddess within'.

"A man required his Shekina for enlightenment, so God required his Shekina for wisdom and creativity.  This crucial tenet of Kabaalistic doctrine is seldom emphasized  - or even mentioned - today."

Hummmm....sounds like the Shekina is MAAT!

In Hebrew, both verbs and adjectives have male or female forms, and many names suggest gender to anyone who understands the language and they must agree in gender and number.  The word Shekinah, in Hebrew, is derived from the Biblical verb shakhan, meaning "the act of dwelling" but taking the feminine form.

Unfortunately, the medieval and modern Hebrew could not live up to the root of this understanding, so they refer to the 'Shekinah' or 'Holy Spirit' in the female gender without the female principle.  This understanding is forever lost in Christianity and the Shekinah is seen as a male in the male Trinity of Beings as ascribed and ratified by the Nicean Council, who in their haste to cover-up all thing African, distorted the true meaning of the Scriptures.

Even the overshadowing of Miriam the mother of Jesus has been seen as the male Shekinah overshadowing the female womb and impregnating it.  But the Shekinah or sprit of God is feminine. So without explanation what do we believe?

"Once the essence [truth] is sucked out and replaced with an alternative, it is very difficult to understand the allusions, so we just over-look them until it piles up so high it is like a 3000 pound elephant walking around your home."

Thousands and Thousands of years have gone by and the original meaning of African religious iconography had been lost in translation, only the shell of the truth remains, and the Western world has long since lost the root meaning of equal opposite of the creative power and the iconographic images that can lead us to the truth.

To be continued...


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