Cult - Originally the word cult was not negative, it meant an ethnology system of supernatural beliefs: a body of organized practices and beliefs supposed to involve interaction with and control over supernatural powers. Later it became: a system of religious or spiritual beliefs, especially an informal and transient belief system regarded by others as misguided or unorthodox.
-city of ancient
Horus: The divine child - The Sun reborn. The avenger of Osiris. His original name was Heru.
Metaphorical - A symbolic meaning, figurative.
Mystery - A profound secret; something wholly unknown, or something kept cautiously concealed, and therefore exciting curiosity or wonder; something which has not been or can not be explained; hence, specifically, that which is beyond human comprehension. A kind of secret religious celebration, to which none were admitted except those who had been initiated by certain preparatory ceremonies;
Medieval Jewish Writings:
Midrash -
The term 'Midrash' can refer to a particular way of reading and interpreting a
biblical verse. Midrash is a method of reading the Bible as an Eternal text, and
is the result of applying a set of hermeneutical principles evolved by the
community to guide one in reading the canon, in order to focus one's reading.
Gemara -
the second part of the Talmud consisting primarily of commentary on the Mishnah.
Talmud -
the collection of ancient rabbinic writings on Jewish law and tradition (the Mishnah
and the Gemara) that constitute the basis of religious authority in Orthodox
Mishnah - the first part of the Talmud; a collection of early oral
interpretations of the scriptures that was compiled about AD 200.
Min (Menew, Amsu) was one of the Egyptian gods worshiped from predynastic
times. The earliest forms of the god - his fetish - was of a barbed arrow, a
belemnite fossil or a thunderbolt. (The strange arrow, over time, became the
first hieroglyph, the one above the standard, in his name -
Min was always a god of fertility and sexuality. He was shown as a human
male with an erect penis. In Egyptian times, he was usually an ithyphallic
bearded mummy-form man, standing with both legs together, an arm raised holding
his symbol or a flail and wearing the same low crown with twin plumes as Amen.
The Egyptian paintings and relief's on tomb walls and temples didn't show Min's
other arm, but the statues of the god show him with his hand encircling the base
of his penis. During
He was also a god of male fertility who could give the pharaoh (and other men) the power to father a child. He also presided over the sed (jubilee) festival of the pharaoh (where the pharaoh had to run around a course set by the priests, carrying different objects), symbolically rejuvenating the pharaoh to give him long life... and the fertility of his youth.
In representations of one of the important Min festivals, the Pharaoh was shown hoeing the ground and watering the fields while Min looked on. At the Min festival held at the beginning of the harvest season, the Pharaoh was seen ceremonially reaping the grain ... When he begot his heir (ritually at the same festival) the Pharaoh was again identified with Min.
Ode to Min
"My majesty caused the Prince - the Overseer of the City, the Vizier, the Overseer of the Royal Constructions - his Trustee Amenemnhat, to go forth with an army of 10000 men from the southern nomes of Upper Egypt, the foremost ones of the Theban nomes, to bring me excellent rich pure blocks, which are in this mountain whose excellence Min made, to be a sarcophagus, a remembrance of eternity and to be monuments in the temple of Upper Egypt, being one whom the king who is upon the Two Lands sent to bring him his wishes from the hill countries of his father Min."
Joseph the son of
Priest and Priestess names:
Male:Adapa (Ea), Astronomus, Balahala, Balsam, Brendan, Camma (Brigit), Flamen Dialis, Galli (Cybele), Hierophant, Kristophores, Manneras, Melanephoris, Moses, Nebseni, Neocoris, Osorkon (Amun), Pastophoris, Stolist, Zarathustra
Female:Althaea or Althea, Boadicca (Andrasta), Dryope (Apollo Oeta), Entu (Ishtar), Io (Hera), Ishtarith (Ishtar), Isis [Aser] Kassandra (Athene), Nadith (Ishtar), Pythia (Apollo), Pythoness (Apollo), Qadishtu (Qadesh), Tcherau-ur (Isis), Volva.
Vulva: vul·vae (-v)
The external genital organs of the female, including the labia majora, labia
minora, clitoris, and vestibule of the vagina. Called a womb covering. Yoni
Zep-Tepi - Ancient Egyptians refer to a remote Golden Age called Zep Tepi, the first time of Osiris." It also states that Osiris was Orion. Graham Hancock noted that at 10,500 BC it was the beginning of the Age of Leo, and Leo is a lion constellation.